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Letter to PD Directors

To: Piping & Drumming Directors and EUSPBA Monitors

From:    EUSPBA Executive Committee

Date: December 7, 2017, 2017

Subject: Announcing New 2018 Scoresheet and Monitor Requirements


Beginning in 2018, there will be three major changes to our scoresheet and monitor requirements which will streamline contest and will ultimately make everyone’s EUSPBA experience a better one:



  • Carbon Copies Score Sheets will no longer be used – in their place will be new downloadable sheets – score sheets are not going away.
  • Only tabulation sheets will be sent back to the EUSPBA
  • Monitors will no longer be required by the EUSPBA.



Much discussion and debate has taken place over the last year about the EUSPBA’s administrative processes and expenses which have led to opportunities to improve our operations and the experiences for competitors and audiences. These new steps will have a positive streamlining impact on  sanctioned games, as well as the EUSPBA and improve our future programs. While we do not “run” contests, we  have incurred  costs associated with providing sanctioning.   The following is a  rundown of EUSPBA Costs for the typical contest:


Score Sheets at 33 cents per sheet: $80 (this can run as much as $200 for larger contests)

Shipping of score sheets: $20

Return Shipping of score sheets reimbursed to Monitor: $20

Sanctioner: $50

Monitor: $100 (25% of the games are 2 day events)

Results Coordinator: $50

Subtract the Sanctioning Fee paid by the games – $50

Total  EUSPBA cost: $270


The EUSPBA sanctions between 55 and 60 games each year which means our administrative costs associated with sanctioning alone often exceeds $16,000. This cost is taking away from other programs such as educational opportunities we could be offering our membership to grow the art form we all love.


Here are more details on these improvements to EUSPBA Sanctioning:


Change #1: Carbon Copy Score Sheets will no longer be used.


Score sheets are not going away. However, the carbon copy score sheets will no longer be used. Piping & Drumming (P&D) Directors will be able to download score sheets for their specific games and print out as many as they want. In addition, there will be instructions to also batch import or use fillable PDF’s for the competitor/band detail and have their contest sheets printed out as part of this process. This new flexibility means organizers will not need to continually ask the EUSPBA for extra sheets, as more competitors enter and there will be a variety of options for filling out scores which will save P & D Directors a great deal of time. This has been very much welcomed by the P&D Directors to whom we have spoken Our sincere hope is that these changes will make the lives of every games volunteer much easier. The changes will allow for  quicker preparation of contest results on the day of the games since no “ripping” of sheets will be required.


A process is being developed to monitor judges and will be rolled out in early 2018 but this not anticipated to have any effect on you or your contest.


Change #2: Only Tabulation Sheets will be sent back to the EUSPBA.


Tabulations Sheets are used for calculating and recording the placings of competitors in an individual or band event.


Over the last six years, the EUSPBA has spent $36,000 on printing carbon copy score sheets and their associated shipping costs between contests and the EUSPBA.  These sheets were retainedto address protests and perform “reviews” of judges. A new review process is being created for judges and protests. .  Going forward only the tabulation sheets will be sent to the EUSPBA.


P&D Directors can either:

  1. Bring the Tabulation Sheets home, scan, and email to the EUSPBA via tabsheets@euspba.org


  1. A smart phone/tablet can take a photo of each Tabulation Sheet from the games and then emailed to the EUSPBA at tabsheets@euspba.org


  1. Copies of the  Tabulation Sheet may be  shipped to EUSPBA.


P&D Directors will be asked to keep  a copy of tabulation sheets until the results are posted on the EUSPBA website. Digital copies of each will be stored by the EUSPBA.


Change #3: Monitors will no longer be required by the EUSPBA.


Per EUSPBA’s Previous Sanctioning Policies, monitors were required to:

  • Must be members in good standing (dues paid)
  • Clarify EUSPBA rules, if a question arises
  • Collect the contest results and mail to the EUSPBA


For their service Monitors receive a $100 stipend per games (an expense incurred by EUSPBA).


Since only the tabulation score sheets are now required to be sent to the EUSBPA, this responsibility will now be with the P&D Director.


If a contest would still like a monitor, it will be offered as part of the ‘PATRON’ fee package of $150.00


These new measures will have a positive impact on P&D Directors, volunteers,  EUSPBA and competitors. The changes will eliminate a good deal of unnecessary costs and streamline the P&D Directors workload making your games run better.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us via email at EC@EUSPBA.org

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