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EUSPBA Competition Sanctioning

The EUSPBA Mission

The EUSPBA recognizes that music competitions provide a means of improving piping, drumming, and pipe band musical performances, and has established a set of rules and regulations. We aspire to assist individuals and bands in reaching, not only their highest competitive potential, but also raising the level of our art. Contests that agree to follow the EUSPBA guidelines may be sanctioned by the association. EUSPBA sanctioning provides competitors a measure of uniformity in terms of rules, standards, and judging.

What is Sanctioning?

So your Scottish Games or Festival would like to include musical competitions. What a grand way to fill the air with the sound of pipes and drums, to fill your fields with kilts, and fill your guests with the excitement and enjoyment necessary to keep them coming back. But how do you go about it, where do you start? The primary purpose of EUSPBA is to sanction and oversee music competitions (see our mission statement above), and we’ve been doing it since 1964. We can jump start the process for you and help you host a successful event.

We suggest appointing a Piping and Drumming Director and/or Committee who will coordinate working with EUSPBA to ensure that the required rules and procedures are followed. By sanctioning your contest with EUSPBA you are acknowledging that your games will follow EUSPBA rules and procedures so that competitors have a consistent forum for competition. The benefits of sanctioning are many, including a greater draw of competitors and assistance from the EUSPBA.

Determine early on the date of your contest and verify with EUSPBA that sanctioning is available in your area on that date. With a limited judges panel and only so many competitors on the planet, we don’t want to stretch resources too far or risk an unsatisfactory event for you or your competitors.

Next, review the sanctioning packet to determine what contests you will hold on the day. There is a list of contests that are required, as well as a list of additional, optional contests that you may consider hosting. That will help you determine the number of judges you will need to adjudicate the contests. Use our Judges Panel Contact list to secure agreements with our approved judges. In certain cases, guest judges may be utilized, but they must be approved in advance by EUSPBA. While we provide a list of approved judges and ensure that they are highly qualified, you will contact and contract with them directly, not through EUSPBA.

Once that information is gathered, send your Request for Sanctioning in to the EUSPBA Sanctioner (see Contacts) at least 60 days prior to your contest. You may also want to contact our Web site to request adding your event to our online Calendar of Events. Assuming your event will be held annually, a new Sanctioning Package will be sent to you in the first quarter of the new year for your convenience. If you do not receive one, please contact the EUSPBA Sanctioner, allowing ample time to complete the request procedure properly.

Our sanctioning fee is a modest $50. For that sum you receive up to 125 score sheets and the opportunity to purchase member mailing labels for 10c per label. You could also become a Patron Member of EUSPBA for $150 and receive up to 600 score sheets, FREE membership mailing labels, plus all of the benefits associated with EUSPBA membership for you or the person of your choice.