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Executive Committee News

In the Executive Committee’s never ending quest to curtail costs and provide better service to the EUSPBA membership, a few changes have been initiated in the EUSPBA’s administrative processes.  Although these changes will be little noticed by most members, the EC wants to make you aware of them.

To start, the EC wishes to extend its gratitude to Helen Harlow.  Helen has served the EUSPBA as a member of the EC and most recently as a contract employee.  Tasks that Helen has been handling will now return to the EC as stipulated in our Association’s By Laws.

Earlier this year the EC created a Sanctioning Committee, a subcommittee of the EC, to oversee the sanctioning of Games and Festivals.   This committee, with the aid of the Music Board, will ensure that contests maintain the high standards our members have come to expect.

On May 1st, EUSPBA’s new   Recording Secretary Stephanie Valley will become responsible for Membership.

These changes will provide considerable cost savings and efficiencies for the EUSPBA but most importantly, a better member experience.  As always, thank you in advance for your support!  Please feel free to contact the Executive Secretary with any questions.

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